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A look at the life and times of 19th and early 20th century Tennessee banjo player, “Happy John” Woods. Containing historical accounts of this important musician, this book discusses the post Civil War rural banjo in the South, including the shift of its identity to white mountaineers. This book also looks at the fate of frolic in the wake of Happy John–at the creation of “jazz.” This book will be of interest to musicians and people interested in American history. If you have an interest in the banjo, you may also find another book here of interest. Click here to go to: The Strychnine Banjo.
You don’t need to spend money to read this book. See the scrollable window below and read it for free. Some will find it difficult or impossible to read a book online. So, for a few dollars, you can buy the book for download as a pdf here. This means you will get a file and print it up. It’s about 265 pages or roughly 133 pages when printed two sided.
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